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The home buying process is an exciting time, but there is also can be a lot of uncertainty. Don't let your questions go unanswered, get a home inspection from a company committed to providing you with exceptional service in Hays, Ellis, and the surrounding areas of Kansas.

Buying a House
Your Home Inspection


Before you make a house a home, feel confident that you know everything about it. Our home inspector will look at every aspect and provide you with a personalized detailed report. 


From the moment our inspector walks onto the property, they are checking to make sure everything is right. From the grading of the property, to the roof, and foundation. No detail, inside or out is left out. We will check all appliances, HVAC systems, doors, windows, plumbing and electrical, including service entry, electrical panels, outlets and switches.

Playful Family
Radon Testing


Radon testing is an additional service that 1st Choice Home Inspector provides to give you peace of mind. Using specially calibrated equipment, our inspectors can test your home for radon. This simple test, taking 48 hours, will be able to tell if your home has harmful levels of radon.


Radon is a harmful odorless, colorless gas that is found in most soil around Ellis county. It seeps into homes through concrete foundations, floors and/or walls. If found in significant amounts in your home, radon has been linked to lung cancer. 


Having radon in your home isn't a deal breaker. Radon can be removed from a home by installing a mitigation system. Stay informed to keep your family safe.

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